How Long Should my Hearing Aids Last?

Audiologist fits a hearing aid on mature man ear while visit a hearing clinic.

Once you get used to your hearing aid, it’s difficult to go without it. Your hearing aids are, after all, your link to the world around you. But just like all technology, though, it will need to be upgraded eventually.

The average lifespan of a hearing aid

A hearing aid will normally last 3 to 7 years. You will need to get routine hearing assessments to make sure your current hearing aid is still the best solution for your hearing requirements, and the 3 to 7 year lifespan isn’t etched in stone. Technology is always improving and some hearing aids wear out sooner than others so it’s good to be open to other solutions should your hearing change.

There are other things that will impact the longevity of your hearing aids

So, that’s just the average life of a hearing aid. Which means there are plenty of people who might see their hearing aids last much longer. Here are a few factors that will establish how long your hearing aid should last:

  • Proper care & maintenance: Like most technology, it will have a longer life the better care you take of it. So, keeping your hearing aid clean and doing frequent maintenance as the manufacturer recommends is something you should always do.
  • How often your hearing aids are worn: So if you use your hearing aid more often, you will need a new one sooner. Having said that, modern hearing aids are made to last. Actually, it may be more correct to say that the more times you turn on and off the device, the sooner it will wear out.
  • Functionality: Hearing aids have been keeping pace with constantly advancing technology. You may want to upgrade your hearing aid if you want the clearest sound or if you want to sync with you your smart-devices including your phone or TV.
  • Changes to your hearing: If you’re an adult and you wear a hearing aid, you’ve probably decided on one of those very small, easy to hide devices. That type of hearing aid can be really precisely fine-tuned and will have just the right amount of power you need. You might need to upgrade to a more powerful device if your hearing worsens.
  • Build quality: It can be expensive to buy hearing aids. But, you usually get what you pay for, like with most things in life. Your hearing aid will be longer lasting if it has more robust construction.

Can you make your hearing aids last longer?

We have to understand that hearing aids are really personal things. In most situations, they are tuned specifically for your hearing and will usually have custom molds. They are also a considerable investment. So getting the most you can from your hearing aids is the common goal.

And it’s one you can achieve. The most practical thing you can do if you want your hearing aid to last is take good care of it. Try not to get them wet or drop them. Obviously, doing the recommended cleaning and maintenance is important.

You’ll typically be able to get a good five years from your hearing aid. You might or might not get more than that. But ultimately, you will have to decide. Inevitably, more modern hearing aids offer features you will probably want. So, call us to make an appointment for a hearing test right away. We’ll help you figure out which hearing aid is best for you.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.